Synopsis: In the fall of 1962, an eccentric director and a screenwriter with a hidden past set out to make a most unusual TV show. Goldgreen was an intimate, character-driven western drama filmed on-location in a historic ghost town on a remote island in Washington State, unusual for its time. But the show only filmed eight episodes before the cast and crew mysteriously vanished.
To this day, the reruns of the eight completed episodes are all that remain.
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Table Of Contents
Episode One: The Fair - Jim Hayes travels to Ferris Island and the set of the television show Goldgreen, in which he is the leading man. But he quickly discovers something uncanny about this show and its script…
Episode Two: The Apple Pie - Penelope eavesdrops on the production and becomes a bit more involved than she intended when she meets Jim Hayes…
Episode Three: The Party - Jim learns some disquieting truths about the island and gets to know Penelope a bit better…
Episode Four: The Haunted Trail - Penelope’s snooping around the production has unintended consequences…
Episode Five: The Bear Hunt - Mr. Weaver reckons with his motives when the production films an episode requiring the use of a trained bear…
Episode Six: The Woman - Penelope has her first experience on set, but learns that the story she’s re-enacting isn’t a new one, and may have an unusual origin…
Episode Seven: The Wolf In The Woods - The production is falling apart, Jim faces down Mr. Weaver, and a historic storm is knocking on the island’s front door…
Episode Eight: The Storm - The storm arrives, and everything culminates.
Epilogue: The Interview - Twenty-six years later, Mr. Hatch is interviewed by a young neighbor for a school project, and reveals a startling mystery.