Synopsis: Set during the uncertain days of March 2020, 10-year-old Ivy is sent to live with her estranged father while her aunt, a hospital nurse, is unable to care for her during lockdown. What starts as an adventure turns into a mystery, as at her father’s home in the western Washington forests Ivy finds uncanny quiet, a cabin full of hidden memories, and a family secret too strange to be believed.
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Table Of Contents
Issue One: The Arrival - Ivy meets her dad for the first time since she was little, and gets her first glimpse of Ferris Island—the place where she will be living until it’s safe enough to go home.
Issue Two: 16 Seavend Road - Ivy arrives at Pete’s cabin and is faced with the reality of life away from the noisy city…and a question is raised about something Ivy has always believed.
Issue Three: The Big Tour - Ivy is shown around the property, receives a mysterious gift, and Pete gives her an important warning.
Issue Four: Ixos - Ivy pushes a boundary, meets someone new, and learns that Pete may not be telling her everything.
Issue Five: The Ferris Island Oddities Museum - A trip into town to get ice cream only draws Ivy deeper into the mystery of her family's secret, as she meets someone who holds a handful of the answers she needs and gives her a glimmer of hope…and caution.
Issue Six: Ivy Investigates - following a strange hunch, Ivy pursues answers by snooping in an unfamiliar room before making a discovery that leads her into danger…
Issue Seven: Danger In The Woods - completely against her dad’s warning, Ivy’s escape takes her deeper and deeper into the woods until she realizes a terrifying truth: she’s lost. And no one knows where she is.
Issue Eight: Mrs. Hatch Explains - Ivy finds safety and answers to some of her burning questions…but knowing might be worse than leaving the mysteries unanswered.
Issue Nine: The Truth - everything spills over, and Pete tells Ivy the painful truth.
Issue Ten: Birdmint - Mrs. Hatch puts her know-how to good use, and Ivy and Pete have to work together to make things right.
Issue Eleven: Under The Apple Tree - Ivy and Pete make amends, Ixos improves, and a miracle occurs.
Issue Twelve: Epilogue - the family reunites.
Love a good fantasy story.
Such a delightful read ❤️