Welcome back to Talebones Tuesday!
This weekly(ish) digest is the way I communicate with my readers to let them know what’s been going on around the Talebones landscape, along with any housekeeping to be aware of.
Today, we’ve got ONE HUGE, LONG-OVERDUE piece of news—
(Drumroll please…)
Looking for an editor, beta reader, proofreader, or copywriter? Look no further!
Check out my Work With Me page for rates and services. Don’t see something that works for you? Reach out via email or DM—I’m happy to discuss.
Let’s make your projects sing!
The Orchard Hounds Paperback is Live!!
As many of you are well aware, this has been an arduous journey through the landscape of writing, editing, tech mishaps, formatting, patience, impatience, proofreading, and more…but at LONG LAST here it is.
You can now have your very own copy of The Orchard Hounds—my debut collection of Ferris Island short stories—in physical form!
Here Are The Details…
#1: Buy the paperback, get six months comped!
For a limited time, if you send proof of purchase to ferrisislandwa@gmail.com, you’ll get SIX MONTHS of paid access to Talebones as a comped Councilmember!
NOTE: Proof of purchase could be a screenshot of the Amazon post-purchase screen, a confirmation email, or even a photo of you holding your book. (And if you do send in a photo, let me know if I can share it—I would love to get a gallery of happy customers going!)
#2: Want a signed copy? Here’s how!
Signed copies are available to Councilmembers only.
(One per person, please!)
To receive one, please send an email to ferrisislandwa@gmail.com so we can talk cost, shipping address, and other details. I will be offering them to United States residents at a slight discount (since you’ll be purchasing them directly from me), but please be aware that costs to International customers may not amount to a discount after shipping is calculated.
(If you have already sent me an interested email—thank you!! I see you, and you’ll be hearing from me soon!)
#3: Check out our celebratory merch!
To commemorate the paperback release, you can now check out TWO new designs in the Ferris Island Gift Shop: the Ferris Island Postcard design and The Orchard Hounds cover art design!
The Postcard design was created by the incredibly talented LoriAnn Weldon for our fan art contest (and she won!!)
The Orchard Hounds design remixes the book’s beautiful cover art by illustrator
Each design comes as a tee, a mug, and a wall poster.
Councilmembers, don’t forget your 30% off shop discount!
#4: Please remember to leave a review!
Reviews are the lifeblood of indie author longevity! They help the book find its audience and clue Amazon in that the book is worth pushing to more people.
If you enjoy this book, please consider leaving it a rating/review on the following platforms:
Also, please share the link with anyone you think might be interested in some cross-genre tales of mystery and miracle! Word of mouth means the absolute most.
#5: And now…without further ado…
Purchase your copy HERE! (And thank you!!)
On the Subject of Gratitude…
This clip comes directly from my Cozy Christmas Read-Along:
This is ONLY the beginning, my dears!
Here’s to more free fiction, more published work, and more Ferris Island fun this year and beyond! I’m having a blast and I hope you are, too. Every time I jump into a new leg of this self-publication journey my goal is to get better, smarter, and more skilled with each passing book.
Thank you for bearing with me, encouraging me, and inspiring me with such patience, trust, and support.
It is not an exaggeration to say that writing on Substack has changed my life. I am so honored to tell stories to the best readership I could ever ask for.
Onward and upward we go!
Your grateful storyteller,
Congratulations! I just ordered it and I'm so excited to read it!
Loved the book. Enjoyed the stories of Ferris Island. Great little glimpses into its mystery. Eagerly looking forward to brief peaks into the shadows.
Ii also sent a copy to a friend I know who will enjoy it as well. Love sharing good reads!!!