Flora! She's back! Which means maybe we get to see Druid again! Hooray!

Also: "Turmoil looked like open-sea storms in those eyes, especially when he and Caroline found themselves in rare disagreement. " Oh, man, that was a good line.

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Jun 7Liked by S.E. Reid

So RUMOR is now a fully reformed, well-intended, benign corporate neighbor? Ha -- don’t you believe it! What a perfect re-launch for the second season. I’m ready for more coffee, a slice of pie, and a gripping and wonderfully-crafted tale of Ferris Island mystery, not to mention the unfolding relationship between Caroline and the Captain. Well done, SE Reid!!!

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Jun 11Liked by S.E. Reid

I only want to know if Scully will be rescued this season. 🤔

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My favorite line, "Turmoil looked like open-sea storms in those eyes, especially when he and Caroline found themselves in rare disagreement."

I'd be asking Fora to get Scully back, too!

Can't wait to see what our brave duo get into next time!

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Jun 16Liked by S.E. Reid

My thoughts exactly. That would be my condition to even doing the one job trial - Scully being given back.

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Enjoyable read. Reminds me of Daphne du Maurier.

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So good to be back with these two again. I'm apprehensive about RUMOR like the Captain, and I just know it's not going to be an easy ride but...bring it on!

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Jun 7Liked by S.E. Reid

I am so excited to have this to look forward to each week! Thank you for sharing your beautiful stories with us!

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Ferris Islands Fox and Scully are back at it. Rumor wants to hire them, which might not be a good thing. Now, I want to know what made those giant spider webs.

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What a beginning! I’m so excited for more!

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Jun 16Liked by S.E. Reid

I’m late to the relaunch - which also means I get to binge two episodes one after the other. Woot 😊

…like The Captain I’m not keen on the likely creator of the giant webs. Not sure I could cope with a relative of Shelob appearing. Eek! 😱

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Jun 8Liked by S.E. Reid

Great story telling S.E. Already full of excitement and menace, to say nothing of the delicious character tension that is buzzing. Giant 'spider webs' and maybe real giant spiders in Mosswood! Interesting that Flora shows up right after Caroline and Reyville destroy the web trapping the Albatross? Were those clicking heels as Flora left, Prada?

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Jun 7Liked by S.E. Reid

Well, I’m new to you and your writing and this just sucked me right in. Looking forward to more!

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