Well, that was a rollercoaster of emotions: I was awed by the forest, worried about Reyville and Caroline, and then that Lemuel Longshanks guy, I suspect he's up to no good, although I'm not sure, but I love his dialogue. It's practically musical. And then the poor ghost, I felt so sorry for her, because that's got to be rough. You hit all the feels on this one.

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A rollercoaster indeed. Like going from "Landslide" to "Tusk" and back.

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Jun 29Liked by S.E. Reid


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All of the feels! I don't know what to do with myself right now.

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Jun 29Liked by S.E. Reid


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Well done!

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Lemuel definitely appears to be shape-shifty. Another of RUMOR’s experiments gone wrong perhaps? And a thought occurred to me, what will happen to Caroline and Reyville if they touch? Will she have visions about Reyville’s past? Will he have visions and be traumatized about what’s been done to him?

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Jun 29Liked by S.E. Reid

Oooh, excellent points to ponder! 🤔👌

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Oh, I loved this one! The spooky forest, the upset ghost, the sweet love stories - so many wonderful pieces!

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Excellent suspension and character development a story worth reading and sharing.

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Jun 28Liked by S.E. Reid

There's a lot of threads hanging out of this one it seems, but on second thought not so uncommon for you S.E. But especially the thread that's central to these two main characters. I found it interesting that Reyville was the one to broach the subject of their relationship... He who is almost stoic in his nature. Then when he uses the mantra "nothing ruins a sailor faster than love" repeatedly, I admit that I completely misread how your Caroline would interpret his message. I thought it would be a cautionary sign to her that perhaps Reyville was signaling very mixed messages about advancing any relationship! But it doesn't seem to be that at all. I read hopeful at the end of this episode! Most interesting S.E....

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Go, Caroline!

I hope their relationship heals and deepens. They're sweet together.

I'm very glad to see Zeke again too. Poor Violet!

Longshanks....hmmm...a shapeshifter? Man to Spider? (Anything that big gets capitalized!)

Love the Fleetwood Mac & Stevie references. The two songs you mentioned are among my favorites of theirs.

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Werewolf. Longshanks is a werewolf...

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That is my kind of romance! All awkward and ghostly, but so sweet and true. Longshanks sort of makes my hair stand up, though.

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Jun 30Liked by S.E. Reid

Terrific episode! You manage to move the narrative forward at just the right clip while deepening our understanding of (and our connection to) the characters. And you successfully keep a few suspenseful “balls in the air” while doing so! Can’t wait to see where this goes. 🙂

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I think I've just spotted this season's musical theme.. Fleetwood Mac?!

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Oh Captain. My captain. Sounded familiar - Walt Whitman.

Longshank running his tongue over his teeth was deliciously creepy.

Glad to see Caroline still has the knack too, and those welts on her arm are a help. Will they fade?

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Jun 29Liked by S.E. Reid

*wistful* sigh. That was splendid. So many elements, energy and emotions. 🔥

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