I had never come across your Substack but this was so good I immediately subscribed. You're a superb writer, that first line especially!! Is killer

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WELCOME TO FERRIS ISLAND! You’re in for a treat—SE/Aunt Sally is the queen of fiction stack.

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Ooh, you’ve got such treats in store! So many wonderful stories still to be read…enjoy 😍

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Apr 6Liked by S.E. Reid

Welcome to Ferris Island. Tread…mindfully. The island remembers 🌳🌳🌳

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And that is the definition of insanity. I suppose he'll keep trying till he drops dead. Some people...

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I loved this! Birdmint is the taste of hope and dreams. The long winter had to hit the dream, to allow the struggling plant to die, and the roots burrow deeper and wider, so Spring could return afresh, and the dream revived with fresh buds of ideas.

You write so wonderfully, so much beauty, emotion and depth in small, simple things. So much pity in eyes averted or just watching.

Ferris Island truly has my heart.

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Oh, that’s the perfect way to describe it - Ferris Island has my heart too.💝

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Yeah. I dig this. Nice job!

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I love this so much! What a fascinating way to tackle the topic of getting stuck in a rut… unable to let go!

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Excellent! That restaurateur reminds me of another, perhaps from another island, one near Bellingham.

Ah, Port Townsend!

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

That is right out of The Twilight Zone. Perfectly sane, until …it wasn’t. The spade, left right where he found it. Ah ha!

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Ah the legendary birdmint, haunting gardeners and chefs far and wide. Sweet little story, Sally!

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Loved this!!

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

S.E., great story...you are indeed what you claim, a humble story teller! But you are also that skilled angler, that fisher of readers who lays her line so gently perfect with an irresistible shiny lure and hook that we can't resist. And I'm hooked again! If this is you easing back in, my expectations are off the charts...no pressure though!

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Ooooh that ending though. How creepy. Very good!

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I love it; you are an excellent writer and, more important, an excellent story teller. The ending is superb.

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Well done SE and welcome back from your break. I have been paying special attention to the sensory descriptors in the things I read lately and you just knocked it out of the park in this great story.

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Apr 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Achingly sad. Bravo Sally. Hope the hiatus went according to plan.

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I really enjoyed how the mint stood parallel to his dreams and his life. One would wonder why he just didn't try and remake his restaurant on Ferris Island.

Terrific flash, I enjoyed it greatly!

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Lovely story. I adore the way you take your time with the description and linger on the details. So glad you're back!

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