Jul 26Liked by S.E. Reid

Hnnngh. Caroline. You *gotta* tell him what's happening. What happened after that kiss. What you know. CAROLINE. **face desk and whimpers**

Flora...friend or foe? I really can't tell with that one! She makes me nervous at this point!

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Flora has a few cards close to the vest, yet. She definitely wants a DNA sample. Looking to see if the Captain is a long lost ancestor, perhaps? Which would explain a few other things she's hiding??

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Oooh I didn't even think of DNA or an ancestor! OR if it's DNA maybe she or Rumor's looking to replicate the Captain's gift/curse? Which would not go well at all, is my guess.

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I suspect Flora, I even suspect Hank at this point, and Caroline! What are you doing? No! You need to tell him! (I'm invested now, I really am).

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Why did she tell her? Why? WHY?

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Oooooh! I’m so intrigued!!

And I really can’t figure Flora out! She vacillates so quickly between sweet and suspicious!

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The kiss felt around the island. That's one way to get a picture (no pun intended) on Rayville's past(s).

But, does he really want it all to end? It sounds like he may be an integral part of the island. What would happen if it couldn't bring him back? Or does it have anything to do with the island at all?

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This post kiss dynamic has me sweating uncomfortably!

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Flora.... “Everything. It could solve everything.”

That’s a pretty heavy statement. Not sure Flora is trustworthy at all. Can’t think that Reyville would want to be RUMOR’s guinea pig...again. That’s assuming they’ve had something to what happened to him in his past. And by his reactions it surely seems so.

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Aug 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Yep. That’s my thinking too…

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Jul 29Liked by S.E. Reid

I saved this to read over my lunch break today and now I'm staring at the last few lines on the screen just. Rereading.

Flora makes me so nervous. I LIKE her, but she's just... she's dangerous. And poor Reyville -- that list of his past lives? Heartbreaking. And clearly HE knows something about that lion sigil...

The plot thickens like a good chowder!

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Jul 27Liked by S.E. Reid

Yes,, this one is a doozy! And Flora really comes across as sinister, conniving and manipulative here. Then the dark side of RUMOR shows it's ugly face! Read Reyland in on everything and trust no one Caroline!

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Well, Flora's still got me guessing.

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I love that even this island has a Starbucks. 😄 They’ve infiltrated everywhere. Except wait…their mermaid logo…what’s going on here??

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Aug 4Liked by S.E. Reid


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More suspense. Love it!

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Oh my gosh, I have goosebumps and chills!

Another terrific chapter!

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Flora is almost as mysterious as Reyville. I wonder what her real goal on the island is

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Aug 4Liked by S.E. Reid

Lordy Caroline! Please don’t be one of those frustrating heroines who neglect to speak their truth to the hero. You’re better than that. And the captain deserves to be able to trust you :(

…yeah, I’m in deep here. Totally invested in the characters and their world.

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