Jul 22Liked by S.E. Reid

**screaming** Oh, oh no. Caroline. This secret is gonna bite you in the rear if you keep it from him and you're stealing Reyville's memories. OH NO. Nononononono. (but oh please yes, they FINALLY kissed!)

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I was the same! Although I’m still chanting Kiss! kiss! Kiss! Caroline sure as hell better have a heart to heart with him when they are, umm, done.

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Jul 20Liked by S.E. Reid

The kiss! Yes! A loving moment, long-anticipated, even as the mystery is compounded. Now we have two love stories between the mortal and the immortal -- fascinating. And there’s much more to Flora than meets the eye. Eagerly standing by for next week’s episode!

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Well, that was a roller coaster of a ride to say the least. I am *Very anxiously awaiting* next week's episode.

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It's about time Caroline and Rayburn admitted what they already knew.

I love the way you had Scully and the sisters visions work together. It's almost as if they were mean to be.

In a manner of speaking Caroline has slowly turned into the druid that the island needs.

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Jul 22Liked by S.E. Reid

“…every ghost and every grief and every grace.”

Beautiful stuff.

Your ear for dialogue/phrasing was excellent too. The Captain’s voice is distinctly different to the Americans around him. Or maybe I’m just projecting my Northern roots…

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Jul 22Liked by S.E. Reid

I'm fine. I'm fine, it's fine, we're all fine here. How are you? asdfghjkl

I have been going "now KISS" for at least 10 episodes now but now that it's happened I am 100% not sure how to feel about it. O.O Caroline, Caroline -- what have you done? And how is Reyville going to deal with you knowing? The man values his secrets so highly... but I think he values her more. These two, I swear.

Also, Longshanks? Creeeeepy. Do not like. I don't trust or like RUMOR but I think I'm totally fine with whatever they do to him to... persuade him to "make his home somewhere else."

Amazing installment!

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Jul 22Liked by S.E. Reid

Yes indeed, honestly I’m fine too. It’s just my allergies…or something in my eye.

Oof! All the feels. You packed a heap of stuff into this one Sally. Wowzers…💯🔥

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Were-spider is an interesting twist on the trope...and every story is better with a pinch of Stevie Nicks.

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I loved this episode! What a sad, lovely ending! ❤️😭

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Jul 20Liked by S.E. Reid

Ahh yes, the Sisters knew. And they knew what they were doing by giving Caroline those powers to read the timelines and experiences of those she comes in contact with. What is the plan , what is the fate awaiting Caroline and Reyville? Do they have a choice?

And what does PROCESS mean to RUMOR as they gain control of Longshank? Flora promises to relocate it / him away from the community but will anyone ever know? This continues the trend of escalation of tension, but to what end...the story is still so wide open with possibilities!!

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Eeek! Yes!

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The kiss! I’m so curious about what she saw!

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I love the tie-ins to previous episodes: “Has Mothwood ever borne witness to love?” And “Nothing ruins a sailor faster than love” and I’m sure the are more.

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Yesss! Finally, the kiss! And I feel so sad for Longshanks. I hope something good happens for him.

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We are reminded more than once what Reyville said: “Nothing ruins a sailor faster than love.”

Appears Longshanks and his lady love encountered it. Or maybe just she did. Where is his love interest now?

It also appears that love and betrayal go hand and hand. Caroline may have gone to far. She’s playing with fire. Will no good come of it? Reyville’s words keep ringing in my ear.

Only five episodes left and I’m anxious already. This can’t possibly wrap up in five. And I don’t want it to. Unless there is another season. Sally, you are an exceptional writer. My favorite mystery novel by far!

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A tangled web you weave...

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Jul 22Liked by S.E. Reid


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Intriguing, suspenseful. Loving it!

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