I really love the idea of a helpful ghost haunting a book specifically and following that book around, just wanting to help people out. That just warms my heart.

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Jul 13Liked by S.E. Reid

Warms my heart too

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The Dante/Paradiso reference had me excited. And I appreciate that you have no issue making light of/pointing out your own naming conventions in the storys themselves.

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It's a masterfully woven story. I guess the reason I didn't bat an eyebrow when Flora wasn't surprised about the photo was that, in my mind, I just assumed she had examined Scully before giving her back to Caroline.

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Jul 13Liked by S.E. Reid

Indeed.😡 there had to have been a reason why they took Scully in the first place…i agree with the captain. Flora has an agenda and imho can’t be trusted.

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Ooh. Images from Reyville's past. I foresee (!) problems brewing...

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More mysteries around Flora, a nice little ghost find, and then - Bang! Images from Reyville's past. I like it.

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Jul 17Liked by S.E. Reid

Over the last [counts] four days, I have binged my way straight through this entire series and I'm Going Nuts. Holy cow. Holy crow.

I love this so much. I love Ferris. I love Reyville and Caroline. I love the ghosts. I love the fishmaids. I like Flora but I trust her about as far as I can throw her. I need to know more about the Brack and about RUMOR and about the Sisters and that Longlegs spider fella and... I'm spinning this whole story around in my head like a chicken in a rotisserie cooker.

I may have to go back and reread the entire thing -- thank you so much for writing and sharing this wonderful world and these characters with us!

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Jul 13Liked by S.E. Reid

Yeah I know I’m getting boringly repetitive with this sort of comment. Sorry! I’m just really invested in Ferris Island now…and I’m almost desperate for this to be an episodic tv show…so I now need to ponder who would play each part. Sally, do you picture anyone in particular for our main heroes? Maybe not a specific actor but anyone similar? I wonder what nationality the captain was originally (have you told us that and I’ve forgotten?🫣)…have you created a back story for him or is it a more organic/evolving process?

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

Ah, Parker, you never have to apologize for asking questions! Although I'm going to have to be a little cagey with my answers because I don't want to get too close to spoilers. 😂

I guess what I can admit to is that yes, I often do "cast" my characters, but I don't necessarily like to share because I place a lot of value on readers forming their own images. I think that's part of the fun. But maybe I can share a few of my favorites as a paid perk. ;)

And yes, Reyville's full backstory actually predates the writing of this serial by quite a few years. Definitely more to unfold! :D

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Jul 15Liked by S.E. Reid

Thank you 🤩

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Jul 13Liked by S.E. Reid

Sorry about bombarding you with questions.🫢

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So wonderful, so alive! Thank you!

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Just the right amount of the surreal

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This was a great episode. Well, they all are, but I really loved this one. And I am very much liking the little hints with regards to Flora. I reckon I'm getting warmer though when I suspect it has something to do with her family history intertwining with Reyville's previous lives, starting with her great-great-grandmother. Maybe he was a gg-grandfather or something. So it is personal, in that sense.

Obviously, you couldn't possibly say whether I'm warm or not there because that would be spoilery. But it is wonderfully intriguing, and I personally don't think Flora is a bad sort like some of the other readers are thinking. But then I'm always thinking the best of people.

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Such a fun episode! Maud is such a helpful ghost! Also loved the emotions at the end. The writing is beautiful ☺️

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I’m binging this and totally hooked! So many great side threads to allow the main storyline unfold more slowly while generating interest/tension/development. And so excited that the touch of skin on skin has a reaction, a vision for Caroline. Loving it all!

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It was only a matter of time. Will Caroline go too far?

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I am liking how the stories are swelling from the episodic!

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The one thing I hope this doesn't mean is that Caroline is going to start shape shifting into a were-octopus or something. Second Sight on steroids!

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You know I love a haunted book! <3

And I like Caroline's own new supernatural quality too—a weirdness to match Reyville's.

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