You're the best, Sally! I didn't know if it would be ready in time for Talestack News, so I didn't end up submitting, but you added it last minute and I'm so appreciative. Thank you!

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No problem at all, Brian! I'm glad I saw your post while I was putting the finishing touches on this issue. 😅

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What?! Thank you, Hanna!!! It's my pleasure to help. I'm here for you! S.E. Reid thanks so much for having such a great publication. I feel all the warm fuzzies. :-)

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For a shoutout I can definitely recommend Garen Marie's serialisation - it's spellbinding, exciting, and magical. Give it a go, dearest readers! Give it a go!

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Thank you for the mention this week! Congrats to everyone on their debuts, breakthroughs and milestones.

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I must try sending my news again, when I have some. This is such a positive space! x

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Awe, this week’s issue has really, truly, seriously made my day. Leanne, thank you so much for your kind words and friendship. The feelings are very much mutual. And Sally, thank you for being this community’s beating heart.

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