I wouldn't mind meeting Hank again. :)

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I loved this. Hank's voice was so distinct and the imagery was crystal clear, I felt that I could see everything as if I were standing right there with him.

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Loved this so much! The protective claim on Mother Nature ! Beautiful 🤩

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The last time I told a story to a total stranger I was at the bank making a deposit and withdrawal…just sayin’…

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I really loved this story: the tone, the message, the little clues. If there really are Sasquatch, I'm sure they're confused and mourning at the devastation, much as I am.

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Enjoyed this, S.E.! Hank would fit in well with The Monkey Wrench Gang.

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May 25Liked by S.E. Reid

A relatable story for sure for those of us who have lived long enough! And plain great story telling S.E.!

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So fun.

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I can feel the sun on my face, and hear the beavers... Yeah, I can see this one playing out in a bank, the old man's eyes bright with memories.

Magical...just magical!

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Very real!

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this is awesome. sweet and wholesome, with a twist and something to tease the imagination. Loved it!

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Fantastic story. I guess one being can make a difference.

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I was genuinely worried that the little pond wouldn’t make it! I love the twist on this Sasquatch story. 😊

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May 26Liked by S.E. Reid

Lovely. Yep, I’d happily meet Hank again too.

What was the prompt?

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Thank you, Parker! This one didn't end up having as specific of a prompt; I had been toying with my own take on Sasquatch and this is what came out! 😁

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Took a twist at the end there I didn’t expect! Were-Sasquatch? Weresquatch? Excellent story! The nature details at the beginning were perfect.

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