Chilling doesn't even seem like the right word. This is incredible. I love the radio-dial metaphor.

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Jul 11Liked by S.E. Reid

'The best laid plans ...' are NOT, when driven by revenge and blinded by hate. He has willfully ignored the risk to the replication in order to satisfy his bloodlust. Now how does he come to terms with an individual who has the DNA, but not the awareness of the act he would be accused of? Also complicated by a witness to this replication. This is an interesting conundrum practically, ethically and spiritually! I anxiously await your choices here S.E.!

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Jul 11Liked by S.E. Reid

Indeed. A real conundrum I look forward to discovering what the choices and consequences will be.

I keep thinking of the Wiccan/Druid ‘Threefold Law’. Anything done with the intention of harm will return to you threefold. (Which I know some think of as a simplistic misinterpretation of Karma that rather misses the point.)

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I barely breathed the whole time I was reading this. This is SO GOOD, Sally!

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I’m so hooked. I was not expecting that to happen—that Paul doesn’t remember. Interesting spin.

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Well done, Reid!

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Good Job. Very thoughtful chapter.

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OMG I can't believe that I'm only not seeing that you have continued this! I must have been under a rock or something - this is SO good!

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I can’t stop reading.

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Oh oh the litany makes sudden sense. Oh, how awful. This is not the stuff I usually read but … you’re so good!

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I am LOVING this!! Your writing is beautiful, the atmosphere is haunting, and it's raising so many great questions about morality, human life, revenge, etc. I want to discuss this in a seminar class, I can't WAIT for part four!!

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The shelled peas, the radio dial voice, the childlike confidence—so visually rich! Hurry up with part 4, please!!!! I need to know if Paul remembers and what Burgess does if he does (or doesn’t) remember. Thank goodness the neighbor is there to be witness (and act as a “conscious” for Burgess).

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Jul 11Liked by S.E. Reid

Oh, my goodness! This is REALLY well-crafted -- completely realistic and creepy at the same time. You’ve crafted a world that is clearly dystopian but also “ordinary,” which makes it totally believable. The mechanism of the shell and the snail is fresh and creative. How will Burgess resolve his dilemma? Will Paul remember? This has “screenplay” written all over it!

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Great story so far. Great development of characters, with so many possibilities from here. I'm not sure what sort of ending I would be happy about yet.

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