Welcome to Talebones!

This is the world you know, but slightly off-kilter.

Haunted farmhouses, unlikely heroes, beasts in the woods, strange gardens, mysterious birdsong…

Talebones is an ongoing collection of character-driven speculative fiction with a spiritual, supernatural, or uncanny twist. A mix of historical, fantasy, horror, and literary fiction with gentle humor and hopeful depth, you can find short tales and serialized works here to suit a variety of tastes!

Subscribe for FREE to receive every new tale straight to your inbox, or pay $30/year for access to the Archive of past work and bonus materials!

What you can expect if you subscribe…

Talebones publishes new content on a weekly schedule, as follows:


Tuesdays: musings on writing, creativity, and general writerly updates published on the Talebones home page. We call these The Weekly!

Fridays: serialized fiction, posted section-by-section.

TBD: one-off flash fiction as and when the inspiration strikes! (My goal is to post 3-4 pieces of short fiction per month.)

Curious about how our seasonal publishing works?

Click here for information about the Current Publishing Schedule!

And as a bonus…

When you subscribe, you also get automatic access to TALESTACK NEWS where I share all the most news-worthy announcements from around the Substack fiction community, twice a month! (Not interested? Here’s how to opt out!)

Awards & Accolades

Brief Bio

S.E. Reid is a freelance writer, editor, and poet living on a patch of wooded wetland in the Pacific Northwest with her craftsman husband and her two big goofball dogs, Finn and Huck. She loves to hear and tell stories about nature, history, ghosts, and God, and when not writing she loves to cook nourishing food, read widely, and tend to her vegetable garden.

You can find more of S.E. Reid’s nonfiction and spiritual writings here on Substack at The Wildroot Parables.

Or, for more news, social media, and general contact info, find her here.

“Watching The Eagles” Artwork by Robyn Huffaker, 2006.

All pieces on Talebones are written and edited by S.E. Reid.

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Home of the Ferris Island Tales! Short and serialized fiction from S.E. Reid: speculative stories with a spiritual, supernatural, or uncanny twist.


Freelance writer, editor, poet, and occasional mystic in the PNW. || Weekly nature-based spiritual writings at The Wildroot Parables, speculative fiction and Substack fiction community news at Talebones! ✨🌿 (DMs open Weekdays 9:30am - 5:30pm PST)