Thank you for this community. I came to substack for the fiction (both to read and to share), so this kind of roundup is exactly what my writerly heart needs.

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Mar 18Liked by S.E. Reid

I'm going to be honest— I had no idea there was so much fiction on Substack. I still don't know why Substack doesn't recognize Waybound as pingable— maybe something to do with the custom URL. Congrats to everyone who's hit their milestones, and thanks for the shoutout!

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Ahhhhhh, Patricia! This made me smile sooo much! Thank you!

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This is so amazing!!!! Thank you for the shout out and for all the incredible writers to check out! ❤️

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Very cool, had no idea you did this round-up. Is there a process for being selected, or do you just feature work you enjoy? Asking, because I’ve got a serial about young boy cutting his teeth on Texas cattle driving business in the 1860s set to drip this summer (if not sooner)

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Hi Jake! This is all about boosting fiction news and announcements all over the site, so I do little if any curation. It's up to readers to decide what they like, I just give it a platform to be seen! 😁 My only real "rule" is that it has to be news, as in current, not just recommendations of old work.

Here's more info; feel free to email me with any questions!


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Love that. This would be a new serial, not a rehash of prior work. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s love. In total, the piece should be at least Novella length… I’ll have a better idea in a few weeks. Much appreciated!

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